Veranda Banana Tree

Original price was: $26.95.Current price is: $8.09.

1. Planting: When deciding where to plant your tree, keep in mind that they prefer full sunlight: At least 6 hours of sunlight a day. Banana trees don’t like extreme heat, so afternoon shade will be more beneficial for your tree than morning shade. And avoid areas that receive high winds, and ensure soil is…


1. Planting: When deciding where to plant your tree, keep in mind that they prefer full sunlight: At least 6 hours of sunlight a day. Banana trees don’t like extreme heat, so afternoon shade will be more beneficial for your tree than morning shade. And avoid areas that receive high winds, and ensure soil is well-drained.

Once you’ve selected your location, dig a hole that’s twice as wide as the pot and just as deep. Place your Veranda in the hole, and make sure that it’s level with the surrounding ground and that it’s standing straight up. Backfill the hole, tamping down to prevent air pockets, and give your tree a long, slow drink of water.

If you’re moving indoors, simply ensure your pot has drainage holes and is located in front of a sunny window.

Note: This product grows best in well-draining soil. When you receive your plant, you may notice small, white beads or rocks in the soil – this medium is added to increase drainage and keep your plant happy and healthy! 

Tip: Mulch the planting site to conserve moisture.

2. Watering: Water your tree every 2 to 3 days during the summer, and every few weeks in the winter, depending on your local climate. Warmer areas that are more prone to drought may require water more frequently.

But if you’re not sure when to water your Veranda Banana, simply check your tree’s surrounding soil about 2 inches down. If the soil in this area is dry, it’s time to water (generally, this will be a couple of cups of water).

3. Fertilizing: Give your tree a well-balanced organic fertilizer, approximately once a month during the growing season. The fertilizer will have a recommended dose for the size of your tree on the back of the package. We recommend giving your Banana Tree half of that dose for best results.

4. Pruning: Remove any damaged or broken leaves for maximum health. After fruiting, clip back stems with clean shears.


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