Nodding Clerodendrum, Bridal Veil, Wallich’s Glorybower, Nutan Bleeding Heart

Original price was: $17.99.Current price is: $5.40.

Large dangling masses of white butterfly-like flowers cascade from atop the deep dark green foliage of this upright to arching evergreen tropical in late summer and fall. The Nodding Clerodendrum makes an easy to grow container plant and can be enjoyed as a hanging basket plant when young bringing the nodding flowers to eye level.…


Large dangling masses of white butterfly-like flowers cascade from atop the deep dark green foliage of this upright to arching evergreen tropical in late summer and fall. The Nodding Clerodendrum makes an easy to grow container plant and can be enjoyed as a hanging basket plant when young bringing the nodding flowers to eye level. Even when not in flower the deep green glossy foliage makes a nice container plant. Hardy into zone 9.


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