Black-Eyed Susan, Gloriosa Daisy, Rudbeckia

Original price was: $9.99.Current price is: $3.00.

The 2-3" wide dark eyed daisies are composed of deep golden yellow rays that surround the dark brown to black cones are produced in late spring to summer (depending on your zone). The flowers attract bees and other small pollinators and the seed heads attract songbirds. The Black-Eyed Susan is anannual – atleastin our area,…


The 2-3" wide dark eyed daisies are composed of deep golden yellow rays that surround the dark brown to black cones are produced in late spring to summer (depending on your zone). The flowers attract bees and other small pollinators and the seed heads attract songbirds. The Black-Eyed Susan is anannual – atleastin our area, biennial, to short-lived perennial with dark green hairy foliage that adorns well-branched plants and each plant can produce 20-30 or more flowers. This is a widespread species found along roadsides, meadows and prairies, savannas,and in open Longleaf Pine forests mainly in soils with average or better drainage. The Black-Eyed Susan is a common addition to seedmixes and readily reseeds on exposed soils, although it is not an aggressive species.

Rudbeckia hirta, or Black-Eyed Susan, makes a great addition to natural areas where it can be allowed to reseed freely. Flowers can be used as cut flowers. Deer resistant and salt tolerant.


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