Barricade 4FL Agency 1G

Original price was: $232.49.Current price is: $58.12.

Barricade 4FL Herbicide is a pre-emergence herbicide offering low rate, season long control of over 30 broadleaf and grassy weeds that include goosegrass, Poa annua and crabgrass. It prevents weeds from continuing to grow and stops the development of new seeded weeds. Applications can be applied as early as January and just one application will…


Barricade 4FL Herbicide is a pre-emergence herbicide offering low rate, season long control of over 30 broadleaf and grassy weeds that include goosegrass, Poa annua and crabgrass. It prevents weeds from continuing to grow and stops the development of new seeded weeds. Applications can be applied as early as January and just one application will allow it to last the whole season. This product will not stain landscape features such as fences.

  • Active Ingredient: Prodiamine 40.7%
  • Barricade 4FL can be used alone with water or tank mixed with other herbicides.


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