Alligare 90 jug (2.5 gal)

Original price was: $52.75.Current price is: $15.83.

ALLIGARE 90 is a general purpose nonionic surfactant, used to enhance spreading and coverage of sprays. ALLIGARE 90 may be used with various insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, PGR’s and nutrients at rates determined by pesticide label and field experience. ALLIGARE 90 is a general purpose nonionic surfactant, used to enhance spreading and coverage of sprays. ALLIGARE…


ALLIGARE 90 is a general purpose nonionic surfactant, used to enhance spreading and coverage of sprays. ALLIGARE 90 may be used with various insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, PGR’s and nutrients at rates determined by pesticide label and field experience.

ALLIGARE 90 is a general purpose nonionic surfactant, used to enhance spreading and coverage of sprays. ALLIGARE 90 may be used with various insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, PGR’s and nutrients at rates determined by pesticide label and field experience.

  • 1/2 ounce per gallon per 1,000 sq feet is sufficient for most turf and ornamental uses.
  • 100% Non-Ionic Surfactant.
  • Lowers surface tension
  • Improves spray coverage on target surfaces
  • Increases pesticide retention Assists in penetration
  • Labeled for Aquatic use


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