Acclaim-Extra Selective Grass Herbicide 1 Pint

Original price was: $119.49.Current price is: $29.87.

Acclaim Extra is a selective post-emergence herbicide that controls select annual and perennial grasses in turf. A systematic herbicide that works in a single treatment, Acclaim is one of the only post-emergence herbicides that can control crabgrass and goosegrass effectively with good tolerance on desirable turf. And it does so in a wide range of…


Acclaim Extra is a selective post-emergence herbicide that controls select annual and perennial grasses in turf. A systematic herbicide that works in a single treatment, Acclaim is one of the only post-emergence herbicides that can control crabgrass and goosegrass effectively with good tolerance on desirable turf. And it does so in a wide range of growth stages from spikes to 5-tillers. It can also be used to temporarily suppress the growth of Johnsongrass (rhizome stage) and common bermudagrass.Bermudagrass ControlBermudagrass is a major weed problem in tall fescue and zoysia turf, particularly in the transition zone of the United States. Not many options exist for controlling this tough perennial weed.Tank mixes of Acclaim® Extra and triclopyr ester may be used to effectively control bermudagrass in zoysiagrass and tall fescue when used in a treatment program. Use a tank mixture of Acclaim Extra at 20-28 fl. oz./acre and 16-32 oz. of triclopyr ester when bermudagrass becomes evident in zoysiagrass and tall fescue. Do not apply triclopyr ester to zoysiagrass unless some injury can be tolerated. For the best results, repeat applications every 4-6 weeks for up to 5 applications per season depending on your local conditions. Use the lower rates for uniform populations of bermudagrass intermixed with the desired turf, and higher rates where large bermudagrass patches are dominant in the turf stand. Do not apply Acclaim Extra at more than a total of 120 fl. oz./acre (2.75 fl. oz./1,000 sq. ft.) per growing season.Japanese Stiltgrass ControlJapanese stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum) is an annual grassy weed that is adapted to low-light conditions and was introduced into the U.S. in 1919. Common on roadsides, disturbed riparian areas and shaded areas with bare ground, it is considered an invasive species that outcompetes native plants. Japanese stiltgrass has invaded roadsides, parks, landscapes and recreation areas. Acclaim Extra is very effective on this weed and can be used on cool-season turf and around ornamentals, unlike many non-selective, postemergence herbicides.

  • The active ingredient in Acclaim is Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl – 6.59%
  • Acclaim Extra is a selective post-emergence herbicide that controls annual and perennial grasses. It works through Systemic activity, rapidly absorbed through the foliage.
  • For use in Commercial and Residential turf, Sod Farms and Ornamentals
  • Barnyardgrass, Crabgrass (large & smooth), Goosegrass, Foxtail, Panicum, Johnsongrass (seedling)
  • Water-based formulation simplifies handling. It can work in a single treatment


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