Gallery 75 Df Specialty Herbicide Isoxaben 75%

Original price was: $163.99.Current price is: $41.00.

Gallery herbicide is a specialty pre-emergent herbicide containing the active ingredient isoxaben. Gallery 75 DF (DF stands for Dry Flowable) prevents the growth of broadleaf weeds for up to eight months and is labeled for use on all established cool-season and warm-season turfgrass types. It can even be used on 490 field-grown and 380 container-grown…


Gallery herbicide is a specialty pre-emergent herbicide containing the active ingredient isoxaben. Gallery 75 DF (DF stands for Dry Flowable) prevents the growth of broadleaf weeds for up to eight months and is labeled for use on all established cool-season and warm-season turfgrass types. It can even be used on 490 field-grown and 380 container-grown ornamentals, ground covers, nursery stock, non-bearing fruit and nut crops, non-bearing vineyards and non-cropland areas.

  • For use in: Commercial Turf-grass, Landscape Ornamentals, Container Grown Ornamentals, Field Grown Ornamentals, Christmas Tree/Conifer Plantations and others
  • 0.25 to 0.5 oz per 1000 sq. ft. depending on the weeds being treated – Some weeds may require larger concentration rates * See label for complete application instructions
  • Target Pests: Over 40 broadleaf weeds and weed grasses including: Aster, Bursage, Burweed, Celery, Chickweed, Clover, Cudweed, Fiddleneck, Filaree, Fleabane, Groundcherry, Henbit, Horseweed, Knotweed, Lambsquarters, Little Mallow, Indian Mustard, Wild Mustard, Black Nightshade, Virginia Pepperweed, Pigweed, Pineappleweed, Plantain, Purslane, Radish, Ragweed, Rocket, Shepherdspurse, Sibara, Smartweed (PA), Sowthistle, Speedwell (purslane), Telegraphplant, Thistle (Russian) and others


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